So back from another day of pinning and using Skype! Before I got on again today I decided to look up how to follow someone on Pinterest. I found a really helpful video on Youtube and it explained a lot about Pinterest. The narrator of the video stated that following someone on Pinterest is just like following someone on Twitter. When you follow someone on Twitter, you are following them because you want to see what they tweet on your newsfeed. And the same goes for Pinterest, you follow someone because you want to see their pictures and ideas on your home page. The difference is that you have the option of just following one or few of someones boards instead of all of them. So if I go to someones profile and I only like the board about wedding ideas then I can choose to just follow that instead of following all of their boards, some of which I may not be interested in seeing. This video was very helpful to me and now I am ready to follow people and start some more pinning! 

When I have my Speech Therapy business I will use Pinterest a lot to get new ideas about my office space as well as new ideas for what to use in some of my sessions. 

Along with my Pinterest adventure for the day I also had my first Skype experience. I knew one of my friends would Skype me because he asks all the time but I have never downloaded it or new how to work it. It was a very simple download and I just had to fill out some information and the actual download didn't take long at all. I then just added a few names to my contacts which was a little confusing and some of them were hard to find but I guess that is a good thing, I don't won't random people I don't know trying to Skype me. I then had a little chat with my friend over Skype! It was very easy to work with and the site overall worked really well. We could hear and see each other clearly and I also noticed there was a place where we could just message back and forth. (Maybe to be used if there was an instance where we couldn't talk for a minute or something.) After using Skype for the first time today I realized that I would love to use that in the future with clients if I need too. It is fast and efficient and a good way to have a "face to face" conversation with someone without actually being together.

So far my experiences with both Pinterest and Skype have been exciting and fun! I will continue to learn how to do new things on Pinterest and share my experience with you. As for Skype, I'm not sure if there is much more for me to explore but if there is then I will gladly share! 

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